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Knowing more about the air pollution in your area can help you to make decisions on how to reduce your exposure.

We've collected some of the best UK information together in one place for you. A wider monitoring network is available in London, so if you live or work in London, see below for more specific information.

UK Wide

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), have a UK air pollution forecast map where you can see the latest air pollution levels for your area on a map. You can also search by town or postcode to see more local information.

The images on the right give you the latest UK forecast for today and the next 3 days.


The forecast is graded from pale green (low) to purple (very high). If you suffer from medial conditions that are made worse by air pollution, it can be best to reduce strenuous activity outside on high pollution days.



You can find where the monitoring stations are that track UK wide air pollution by visiting defra's interactive map:


Click here for Defra's interactive forecast map


Thu 13 Mar 2025

Air Pollution Forecast Day 1

Fri 14 Mar 2025

Air Pollution Forecast Day 2

Sat 15 Mar 2025

Air Pollution Forecast Day 3

Sun 16 Mar 2025

Air Pollution Forecast Day 4


If you live in, work in, or visit London there is great information on air quality levels and forecasts available.

You can find the latest forecasts for London using this Air Quality widget from Imperial College London. You can find out about where the monitoring stations are by clicking on the map. 


You can also get information from the Breathe London network, where you can see current and average air quality levels from their monitoring network.


You can download a forecasting app for your phone from the LondonAir website or you can sign up to a daily email alert.

Imperial College London have also made the data available for you to be able to create an annual pollution map for your local area. Visit and enter your postcode to see where the spots of high pollution near you are. You can use this to help you plan which quieter routes to take.

An air pollution map of the area around Westminster in London